Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Reason

It's interesting to find
I am blind to the fact
That I still think of you in my sleep

And it irks me to think
As I blink and I swear
That the hurt wasn't really that deep

Wide eyes and a smile
As I think for a while
Before I catch myself and step back

From a day like today
When things were okay
And my heart didn't function with a crack

Tears that pretend
They will mend what is now
Still here, still alive, still true

Even though I never say
Nor do my lips betray
A pride more important than you

A kiss is never worth
The heavens and the earth
Though forever is a possibility

But not enough to shake
What I know when I'm awake
Something that you will never see

So I'll sleep and I'll dream
And redeem you in the depths
But only to clear away the lie

For when I open my eyes
No sighs will conflict
And muted is the lull of why

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