I took a spontaneous trip to North Carolina this weekend. I jammed with my cousin, ate out at too many places, had too much sugar, and listened to some awesome bands preform. Besides that, the trip did something I didn't expect it to do. Here are some things I learned while in North Carolina:
1) I had always known my cousin was a wonderful conversationalist, but I never experienced conversations as wonderful as that ones we had while I was there this weekend. She was kind, thoughtful, and amazingly present in the moment with me. I will appreciate her kindness this weekend for the rest of my life.
2) Live music doesn't necessarily sound so great on a CD :)
3) Don't compliment the bass player. Never compliment the bass player.
4) Sometimes we have to make difficult choices, even when seemingly, there are no choices to be made.
5) Just because he looks good on paper, doesn't mean he's good for you.
6) In relationships, there are fundamental similarities that have to be present in order for the relationship to work. Sometimes time apart, sheds light on those fundamental necessities (or lack thereof), thereby making you see things differently. I saw things differently this weekend.
7) Next time I fall for someone, I'll make sure I'm not settling. I also won't be the only one doing the compromising.
8) And life is GOOD. Music is GOOD. and God is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful. I have faith in His plan, and look forward to what is to come.